Why Joining Valley Industrial Association is a No-Brainer

(Trust Us, We Know)

It’s So Hard to Say Goodbye: A Guide to Adhesive Disposal

Downtime Becomes Her

Unplanned downtime doesn't have to be your nightmare!

Streamline with the SKID-LOCK™ System

CGM Spotlight: Imad Aljburi

Learn more about one of our newest team members

Gluebusters: The Case of the Cohesive Failures

Chicago Glue and Machine Finalizes Gluefast Acquisition

We are pleased to announce the acquisition of Gluefast.

Mental Health Awareness Month

In honor of May being Mental Health Awareness month, we wanted to talk about it...

Glue Fail in the Wild

A chance encournter brings us face to face with the unexpected: a glue fail

The Show Must Go On: CGM Equipment Rentals

Things happen fast on the production floor, but the show must go on. CGM equipment rental is always waiting in the wings.