CGM Spotlight: Nicole Soni

September 18, 2023


How long have you been with CGM?
Unofficially: 6 years. Officially: 2.5 years.

What’s your favorite part about your job?
Greeting others and helping others whether it be colleagues or customers.

Set the scene. What does a typical Saturday look like for you?
The only day I truly don’t work! I typically wake up, have some coffee, head to the gym for a workout, grab some food, and have the rest of the day free.

What motto do you live by?
Everything happens for a reason. What’s meant for me will be.

What is your special/hidden talent or hobby?
I like to paint and draw.

Where is your favorite vacation spot?
Anywhere tropical and on a beach.

What’s your favorite movie or tv show?
Favorite movie: Harry Potter                 Favorite show: White Collar

What’s on your music playlist?
A little bit of everything, but you can generally find me listening to Hard Rock or 90’s/early 2000’s throwbacks.

What’s the last book you read?
Behind the Net by Stephanie Archer.